The life and music of Airto Moreira

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A couple of very special features that I've been working on going out on Sunday from 2pm on Worldwide Fm.

First of all a 2 hour mix on the music of George Duke who passed away exactly 5 years ago on the day... I was shocked to hear of his passing as he was one of those artists who I thought would outlive us all... In my time as a fan and active member of the music community I have only ever heard great things about George Duke the person... I never got to meet or interview him and so was doubly sad when I heard the news he'd departed. His music keeps shining in the collection and was actually my introduction to Brazilian music through his Brazilian Love Affair album... his Liberated Fantasies LP was also one of the first records I ever bought... total random buy at the time....I just liked the sleeve and it was only 50 p! Its a part 1 mix - I'll do part 2 next year....

Also on Sunday we'll be broadcasting a 5 hour Airto special on his 77th birthday... makes sense to have the 2 of them connected on that particular day as they were both very good friends and made some incredible music together.

The 5 hours on Airto break down into a 3 hour mix featuring a mix of his records as leader from the early days with the Sambalanca Trio to his most recent album which came out earlier this year... this will be followed by a 1 hour interview / conversation I had with him recorded last month (i've interveiwed him many times over the years but I think this was the best most inner one so far!). And the whole thing concludes with his Live show from Ronnie Scotts which I must say finds him in fine form considering he's only just recovered from various health issues over the last 7 years or so... I do hope you check it all, spread the word and most importantly enjoy the output!


Raj Sidhu